Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

A Friend Indeed

This Wednesday Friends Day post is a little different. I've already introduced you to my good friend Betty from Bellingham, better known in the blogging world as Mud Creek Mama. We met through my blog and posts on MySpace several years ago. Since then, we've met regularly for coffee and shopping in the Old Fairhaven district of Bellingham. It has been great fun meeting one of my blogging buddies.

The last time we got together, Betty had a surprise for me. Several of my posts have been about cast iron cooking. And she brought me an extra griddle from her collection. What a wonderful thing for a friend to do. You could tell it was well seasoned from good use over the years. I love it! I couldn't wait to get it up to the cabin to try out.

The first thing I cooked were blackberry pancakes for Wayne using my home canned berries from last year. Wayne said they were the best I've ever made. And I know the secret ingredient. It was all the love from a friend indeed.

Thanks Betty for such a special present. I will treasure it always and make some great meals with it. -- Margy

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