Senin, 01 Juni 2009

Heat stroke in dogs

This is a subject I had on my list of upcoming posts. 
Written by vet Peter Wedderburn, a vet that I follow on Twitter:

He says it all better than I can, and as a vet, he is an authority I trust. I do question his recommendation to give long haired dogs a short haircut. I have read that a dog's long coat insulates him from the heat and prevents sunburn. Often, a long coat will not grow back. This is a good question for you to ask YOUR vet. 

The summer heat season is coming up by the end of this month in California, and is full swing across the US. Heat stroke can sneak up on you, and it is heartbreaking to think that something you neglected to notice killed your beloved pet. 

This is no joke. One of my pet sitting clients adored his dogs, and just didn't realize he was working the dog too hard in the heat. They were out jogging on the trails on a hot day, and the dog collapsed and died. I will never forget his grief. 

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