Minggu, 08 Maret 2009

The Women of Troy in Oregon

Wayne and I just got back from a road trip. We decided to follow the Women of Troy through Oregon. Wayne loves to go to USC (his alma mater) games. This weekend we drove down to both Corvalis (Oregon State University) and Eugene (University of Oregon) to watch USC Women's Basketball.

We first stopped at OSU for a Thurdsay night game. If you go to an away game at OSU, the best place to stay is the Hilton Garden Inn. It's right next to the sports venues. The game was good, but the final score was 61 to 58 and Nadia Parker had to leave with the game after only a few minutes with an injured right knee. That didn't stop her from cheering on her fellow team members from the sidelines.

Then we headed to Eugene and UO on Highway 99W through lush agricultural areas. On the way, we saw huge flocks of Canada Geese finishing up their "snowbird" vacation. We stayed at the Eugene Hilton. It's downtown, and within walking distance of the campus and sports venues, albeit a long walk. The game was on Saturday, so we had lots of time to shop and eat. One great thing about Oregon is no sales tax. Wayne and I took advantage and picked up some new shoes, backpacks and socks at REI.

Saturday's basketball game between USC and OU women was at 12:30. We walked over to "The Pit," their historic and noisy stadium. The Fighting Duck mascot cheered The Ducks on, but the Women of Troy won 94-64. Now that we live up north we get to see lots of USC games in Washington and Oregon. Next come baseball season - FIGHT ON! - Margy

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