Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

David Robert Joseph Beckham


Beckham, one pull of breathing = 16 thousand dollars
David Robert Joseph Beckham, David Beckham bekennya name. Who does not know this one footballer. From the beginning of their work in the Manchester United as one of the "Class of '95" which brought Manchester United the best club in the world. Together with Paul Scholes, Gary Neville, Philip Neville and Nicky Butt, Manchester United brought into the world's richest club.

His free-kick that off has become an icon of a globe publicly recognized. Various achievements on the gridiron has been achieved. Even outside the field Beckham is also a celebrity who became a trend setter kebintangannya world of fashion, from clothes to hairstyles are always changing!!. Yes, David Beckham is not only regarded as a footballer that is able to lift his club's achievements on the gridiron but also has become a money machine that can provide extraordinary income from the club by selling image "Beckham". Maybe that's what became one of the considerations Real Madrid sign him from Manchester United. Transfer process that horrendous in 2003, from differences with Alex Ferguson, coach of Manchester United who polished it, until the value of the contract and his salary at Real Madrid, within a year he was paid 32 million pounds, or equal to 512 billion! If the count is calculated one pull of 16 thousand dollars worth breathing!. You can imagine how the phenomenal wealth, it is still of salary, not including its revenue outside football (revenue from sponsorship and advertising, yet the bonus too lho ..).

When viewed through the lens of business, Real Madrid are willing to pay that much for Beckham's salary, then you can imagine how much profits gained by selling Real Madrid's David Beckham, might be able to pay the debts of Indonesia: D. The David Beckham next season will be uniformed Los Angeles Galaxy, yes! America, this country will try to conquer the next Beckham. Football in America is still less popular than basketball, American Football, and Baseball. David will try to popularize soccer in popularity it has. With the popularity like David, it is not impossible. Even if you want to suppose, that immigrant Arnold Schwarzenegger could become governor of California, Australia, Beckham with everything he has can be a passenger on Air Force One, who knows ... Do not set foot into the United States alone David has made the MLS (Major League Soccer) to revise the regulations concerning salary cap.

In the United States in every sport there are rules for each club's salary cap that limits the total amount of salary that can be paid on all players, this rule is made for the purpose of equalization, so each club can not have many star players (who paid large), no matter how wealth of a club (compared with in Indonesia, there is a basketball club that all players are star players, even players backed up!). In the United States rules that will apply from the 2007 season that allows each MLS club to recruit one player whose salary exceeds defined limits. In summer 2006, the salary caps for a team of around 1.9 million U.S. dollars or approximately USD 17.2 billion per year. If a team consists of 28 players, meaning that each player is "only" will be paid approximately USD 615 million per year. Compare this with the per weekend Beckham's contract at $ 1 million.

David Beckham's journey in the land of Uncle Sam will soon begin, and worth waiting for the story of David conquering the country a super power!, We wait for other surprises from David Robert Joseph Beckham.

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