Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

DISEASE walnuts and medicine

Walnuts including animals that are very susceptible to disease and environmental influences that are not friendly. The difference in hot and cold weather during the day and night, healthy condition of the cage, giving poor diet, this can cause health problems for walnuts.

Canary that has been attacked by this disease is generally very difficult to cure. Even if it can be cured, canaries should get special attention in a relatively long time. If we deal with walnuts esophageal disease should be immediately separated from the other healthy nuts-walnuts that are not contagious. The following are some types of diseases that often attack walnuts.

Defecation lime

defecation lime disease mostly found in several species of birds. The disease is also known as Salmonellosis or pullorum disease. Causes of Salmonella pullorum disease that attacks the gastrointestinal tract. infectious diseases defecation lime. The signs or symptoms of an attack that can be seen is the white bird droppings and liquid such as chalk, decreased appetite, at a certain stage of the birds have difficulty defecating. If noted, many white dirt attached to the fur around the anus. Another sign that the disease is mired lime pallor, irregular fur, wings hanging, and birds are not excited.

Defecation lime disease prevention can be done by maintaining the cleanliness of food, pens, and drinks. Every day the cage is cleaned and all debris, including dried bird droppings. Use a disinfectant or bioseptik to wash the cage. Once every two days, where food and clean drinking place. Food scraps discarded in order not moldy cleaned and replaced with a new food. Likewise, drinking water should always be replaced with new water that has been boiled (cooked), clean, and healthy (do not contain harmful toxic substances).

If the birds have defecated lime disease, the bird must be separated from other birds so it is not contagious. Who have been infected with bird diseases can be given antibiotics that are given in accordance with the instructions. The use of antibiotics should not be arbitrary, because if we do not know for sure exactly

Prevention of disease outbreaks or coryza snot can be done by keeping sick canary bird from another group that is not contagious. In addition, the cage in which to eat, and drink should always be cleaned and dirt. Canary is exposed to a disease or coryza snot should immediately be given the appropriate medication.

The signs of the disease can be seen bubul swollen legs, elongated claws, scales feet wide. If this bubul disease attack on the left leg, then over time the infection will spread and grow.
Prevention of this disease attacks can be done by keeping clean bird cages and perches.

Presentation mode

above drugs generally can be used to deal with cases related to the disease that often infects canaries. Presentation of drugs for a canary can be done with mixed in drinking water or by drinking from the dropper or indirectly, by hand.

Walnut attacked by disease and prior medication will be given first dried in sunlight for about an hour. When dried, walnuts are not given a drink. Prepare the medication to be given in place of drinking. Once dry, walnut moved to a cool place, then drink mix that has been incorporated into the drug cage. Canary who thirst will soon be drinking water that has mixed the drug. If the drug was mixed in drinking water is not drunk, take a piece of cotton  to drinking water containing the drug. Hold the crab to be treated, then paste it into a part-walnut cotton. Walnuts will suck fluids to drink. When drug-containing beverages can be placed in the cage so intoxicated by the walnuts if they feel thirsty. Birds that have been treated do not mix drinks will be dry because walnut lost.DISEASE drug efficacy and drug

ages. Once every two days, where food and clean drinking places. Food scraps discarded in order not moldy cleaned and replaced with foods that barn. Likewise, drinking water should always be replaced with new water that has been boiled (cooked), clean, and healthy

Snot or coryza

Snot or coryza disease caused by a virus Hemophillus gallinarum. This disease attacks the birds around the face causing a swollen and red colored bumps appear around the nose, eyes and ears. way through the intercession of other birds, air, dust, food, and beverages. Transmission of the disease can also malalui descent mi. Signs of disease or coryza snot that can be seen is the face swollen, runny nose, frequent sneezing, shortness of breath, and decreased appetite. If not treated seriously, in the long run mi diseased bird will die.

Prevention of a disease outbreak or coryza snot can be done by way of distancing the disease canaries and other bird groups that are not contagious. In addition, the cage where to eat, and drink should always be cleaned and all dirt. Canary who already snot or coryza disease should soon be given the appropriate medication.


Bubul disease (Bumble foot) diseases that often attack nearly all species of birds. The cause is a bacterial disease bubul Staphylo coccus. Mi bacteria attacking the skin surface, especially the leather soles of the feet. The main factor that causes the disease is cleanliness bubul cage, especially perch.

Signs of disease which can be viewed bubul legs are swollen, elongated claws, scales feet wide or stretched. If the disease attacks bubul noodles left, then over time the infection will spread and grow.

Bubul disease prevention against attacks can be done by keeping clean the bird cage and place betengger.


Worms is the kind of diseases that attack the digestive tract and liver. The cause of intestinal worms are worms, namely hookworms, gilig worms, tapeworms, and heart worm. Signs of disease that can be seen worms are less enthusiastic bird, weakness, decreased appetite, irregular hairs, liquid manure, and bird weight decreases.

The main factor that led to the appearance of disease is a condition of worms in the cage and places to eat / drink dirty. Prevention of disease attack worms can be done by keeping clean the cage, where food and drinking places. Therefore, the cage, where food, drink and place must always be controlled and cleaned and all kinds of dirt so as not to become a nest of worms.


Diarrhea that often attack kenani there are two kinds of birds, diarrhea caused by bacteria that attack the digestive tract and diarrhea caused by food poisoning. Signs of diarrhea caused by dirt bekteri is a liquid, colored turbid, foul-smelling, activity (movement) of birds decreased, and birds have no appetite. While signs of diarrhea caused by food poisoning is a liquid excrement, stained nodes and there are little clumps, not so foul-smelling, appetite remains high, and bird activity was relatively high. Vegetables that are dirty (not washed) and still contains residues of insect repellent drug (pesticides) can cause toxicity to birds.

Diarrhea caused by bekteri is infectious, while the diarrhea caused by food poisoning is not contagious. Transmission can be via the place to eat, drink, or droppings of birds who suffer from the disease. Therefore, an infected bird diarrhea should immediately quarantined to prevent spread to other birds.

Bird Lice

Canaries are often attacked by bird lice so that the process of production and hatching of eggs incubated disrupted. Canary bird lice attacking males will result in a diminished voice. An infected canary bird lice show signs of anxiety, often biting fur (Jw. didis), voice frequency decreases, if the bird feathers revealed will look the fleas that moved through the hair. If not treated immediately, an infected canary bird lice over time was decreased body weight, appetite will decrease, and eventually die.

The main cause of bird lice attack is a dirty cage conditions, damp, smelly, and rare bird bath. Prevention of bird lice can be done by keeping clean cages, provide enough water to bathe, and birds are often dried.

Bird Virus

Some time ago, there were several cases of paralysis of limbs and immune deficiencies which, according to one of the medical cause was bird flu. Incidentally, people who maintain the bird flu canaries. Thus, many people assume that a canary is a bird flu virus carriers dangerous. Maybe that's true, but according to the author is not quite right. Therefore, the virus that causes bird flu can attack all the people through the mediation of anything, including chickens, ducks, cats, dogs, birds of all kinds, and all sorts of furry animals that are kept man. Here are excerpts mi successfully recorded some of the articles author.

Some time ago, about mid-year 1997, the Indonesian community in particular and the world community generally, commotion with the emergence of flu-like illnesses caused by viruses. While people assume that the virus causes disease is carried by the bird flu. This great flu illness better known as Hong Kong since the early emergence of Avian flu was from Hong Kong. This flu attacks claimed many casualties. In the same case, in 1968, the Hong Kong flu killed approximately 700,000 people without any drug that can cure him. Now, the deadly virus seems to reappear.

According to the research team about the virus and Australia, the virus that brings death to humans or animals is actually a plasma noodles wrapped in a coat carrier properties of sialidase and hemagglutinin protein. On entering the human body and reside in cells, these viruses multiply quickly and form din millions of particles called virions. Virion-vinion this is to spread the infection and into the surrounding cells so that the people who got a virus mi feel a headache, cough, pain in joints, and conditions as well as body resistance weakened patients. If patients do not immediately get the flu mi care and adequate treatment, the body resistance will be increasingly weak and declining.

The spread of the virus that causes flu i, according to medical experts, may through the intercession of birds, ie all types of chickens, ducks, birds, and some furry animals that are kept of people (eg, cats, dogs, keralmonyet). Types of poultry, including who has the highest contribution to the spread of the virus. To prevent the spread of these viruses, several paramedics recommend the following. :

1. Encourage environmental conditions pet cage or enclosure (including the cage / aviary) always clean. If necessary, a pet cage or cage wash periodically conducted pests (disinfectant).

2. Body Encourage supplied high protein food different sources such as meat, nuts as vegetables, and Fruit to help body construct immunities as antidote systems attack the virus.

3. Keep the temperature of the body to remain stable, not too hot or cold, either outdoors or indoors.

4. Make sure the rooms the house has adequate ventilation and get fresh air flow.

5. Food and beverages must be in a mature and clean condition, because the virus can not be bentahan at high temperatures.

6. Always wash hands after handling pets, good birds (including birds) as well as other types of pets.


Knowledge about the types of medicines for poultry, especially for birds kenani, penlu also owned by the petemak walnuts. Generally, drugs that need to be provided is the type of drug commonly used for poultry, especially chickens. Here are some types of noodles medicine commonly used by the petemak ungas, including birds and chickens. Kinds of medicine, Types of drugs commonly used for the treatment of birds, including canaries are as follows.:


Sulfamix is a type of antibiotic drug manufactured by Medion in Bandung and has been widely sold in the shops of poultry (poultry). Mi drugs have a composition containing 750 mg Sulfadimethyl Pyrimididine and Methyl Parasept 6 mg per teaspoon. Mi drugs can be used to treat Coccidiosis (dysentery disease), pullorum (defecation lime), Coryza (snot, runny nose, puffy face), green defecate (acute cholera), and CRD (coughing, snoring). Rules use and dosage of their use can be seen on drug packaging.


Tetra-Chlor is an antibiotic drug capsule-shaped and red-stained manufactured by Medion Bandung. Mi drugs containing Tetracyclin Uh!, Erythromyein base, Vitamin B1, B2, B12 'vitamin C, Potassium Chloride, and Sodium Sulfate. Antibiotics that contain vitamins and minerals noodles can be used to treat pullorum disease (defecation lime), Coryza (snot, runny nose, puffy face), Fowl cholera (defecate green), and CRD (coughing, snoring). Rules use and dosage of their use can be seen on drug packaging.


Baytril 5%, manufactured by Bayer and can be used for the treatment and disease peneegahan infections caused by gram-positive and negative bacteria and Mycoplasma. Mi drug is a liquid (drop), and each contains mililiternya Enrofloxacin 5 mg. Rules use and dosage can use! Ihat on the drug packaging.


Mycocoli anti-bacterial solution in the form of broad-spectrum (Enrofioxacine) that can be used to eradicate almost all gram-positive bacterial infections, gram negative, and Mycoplasma sp. Qbat noodles produced by Divasa Farmavic, Spain, in liquid form (drop). Mi drugs containing acid-I-ciclopropil-fluorine 7-6, I-0.4-4-oxo dehidro-3quinolincar boxilic 100 mg, and Exipient qsf 1 ml. Mi Qbat Mycoplasmosis can cure disease (breath sounds, snoring), Collibacillosis (diarrhea), Salmonellosis (defecation lime), Infectious corvza (head swelling, runny nose), Fowl cholera (defecate green), Staphylococcus Sp, Glostridiosis, and Pseudomoniasis. Rules use and dosage of their use can be seen on drug packaging.


Enchantment is biosidal total with a formula that has double the power to eradicate the microorganisms and protect the birds and disease attack. Mi drugs manufactured in liquid form Banyurejo and can be used to eradicate the infestation of birds by way of mixed bathing in the water. In addition, the drug is also useful to beautify mi bird feathers. Rules use and dosage of their use can be seen on drug packaging.


Vitamins are needed to stimulate growth and development of birds. Giving vitamin in canaries can be done every day. We do not need khawatirjika overdose of vitamins in the body, because the rest of the vitamins that are not utilized by the bird's body will be wasted through bird droppings. Vitamins, other useful increase endurance, can increase the vitality and productivity of birds. Several kinds of vitamins that can dibenikan on canaries were vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, and E. There are several types of vitamins in the product packaging specifically for the consumption of birds that can be utilized, among others Vetamix, Amino-Vital Solution, Terafit, Vitachick, and Enervon-C.

Presentation mode

Above drugs generally can be used to deal with cases related to the disease that often attacks the canary. Presentation of drugs for a canary can be done by mixed in drinking water or by drinking from a pipette or indirectly by the hand of cotton.

Walnuts are attacked by the disease and will be given medication beforehand is dried at matahani ray approximately one hour. At the time of sun-dried, walnut is not given a drink. Prepare the drug to be given in place of drinking. After drying, walnut moved to a cool place, then mixed drinks that have been incorporated into the cage drugs. Thirsty canary that will soon be drinking water that has mixed the drug. If the drug was mixed in drinking water is not drunk, take a piece of cotton laIu dip into drinking water containing the drug. Hold the crab to be treated, then paste it into part-walnut cotton. Canary going to suck the liquid to be drunk. Time of drug-containing beverages can be placed in a cage so drunk by the canaries if they feel thirsty. Birds which have been mixed drinks obatjangan dried because the drug efficacy will be lost.DISEASE walnuts and medicine

Canary including animals that are highly vulnerable to disease and environmental influences that are not friendly. Differences in hot and cold weather at the time of day and night han, an unhealthy condition of the cage, giving a poor diet, it can cause health problems for the canary.

Canary that has been attacked by the disease are generally very difficult to cure. Even if curable, canaries are face-to-be get special attention in a relatively long time. If we encounter a canary esophageal disease should be immediately separated and walnut-healthy walnuts another so as not contagious. Beriikut are some kind of disease that often attacks the canary.

Respiratory Disorders

disorders often attack canary, either male or female. The cause of respiratory disease is the presence of secondary infection by respiratory tract E. coli and Mycoplasma gallisepticcum virus similar to the more famous by the name of the CRD (Chronic Respiratory Desease). If it is chronic, this disease is very difficult to be cured and usually over time teninfeksi canaries that this disease will die. Respiratory disease is contagious. Mi of disease transmission can occur through direct contact between infected from walnut walnuts. healthy. For example, plants infected with the disease and feeding her child, then the children will be fed birds infected by the disease. Transmission of respiratory disease can also occur through heredity. Walnut saplings originating and breeders who have been hit by the disease will inherit the disease is owned by its parent. Transmission of respiratory disease can also occur through food, drink, the less stable environment clean, and food / beverage contaminated infected bird droppings.

Symptoms of respiratory illness that appears is a bird sneezing often, at night the cold weather breathing snoring, nose moist / wet slimy, and decreased activity or movement of birds. Preventive and curative actions to address respiratory diseases that can be done is as follows. :

A. Canaries infected with respiratory diseases immediately isolated in separate cages and treated in order not contagious to birds other canaries.

B. Cage, places to eat, and where drinking is always controlled and all the impurities contained in a cage or in a container of food / beverages are always clean.

C. Meals will be washed and dried to eliminate the possibility of residues of agricultural pesticides that endanger the health of birds.

D. Drink dirty water to be replaced with cleaner, fresher, healthier, and do not contain toxic materials that endanger the health of birds. To drink boiled water to the boil first to kill all kinds of germs contained in it.

 Some time ago, about mid-year 1997, the Indonesian community in particular and the world community generally, commotion with the emergence of flu-like illnesses caused by viruses. While people assume that the virus causes disease is carried by the bird flu. This great flu illness better known as Hong Kong since the early emergence of Avian flu was from Hong Kong. This flu attacks claimed many casualties. In the same case, in 1968, the Hong Kong flu killed approximately 700,000 people without any drug that can cure him. Now, the deadly virus seems to reappear.

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