Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

Introducing Nydia at "Bringing Up Salamanders"

This week jump on a jet plane and fly farther south for this week's Wednesday Friends Day, all the way to the southern hemisphere, near Rio de Janeiro to be specific. It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to Nydia and her blog Bringing up Salamanders.

Nydia and I started reading and commenting on each other's blogs because of ABC Wednesday. It's another meme that's sponsored by mrsnesbitt from the UK and assisted by a team of supportive bloggers.

Nydia is a Brazilian wiccan single mom. She was born in Rio but has moved to more rural Petropolis to be near family.

Nydia includes lots of information on her blog about herself and her son Lucas. It has been fun to see him grow up over the years with all her loving care.

Here are some of my favourite posts.
Like Margaret in Powell River, Nydia has an Etsy online shop to sell her hand made crafts. Her site is called Carioca Witch and can be found by clicking here. Her items are "witchy" and can be customized to meet your personal requests. Each item includes a description of its purpose.

If you get to the 2016 Olympics in Rio you just might meet up with Nydia and Lucas. If you do, give them a big hug for me. -- Margy

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